Now I can breath and create without stuff all over me.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Finally, Shelves (169:365)
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Cast Iron Rice Krispie Treats (168:365)
Santa brought momma this little beauty for Christmas.
(No, it's not a Le Creuset, but a Lodge Logic.)
I tried it out for the first time today, making what I what I bought it for -
Rice Krispie Treats! Is that silly? There are a thousand things I can think of to use the pot for, but Rice Krispie Treats were number one on the list.
I am always burning them in my other big pots, so it was really nice to not burn this last batch. I'm sure my consumers agree.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Name Plaques for the Little Ladies (167:365)
At a Young Women's church activity tonight, I made a couple of really cute name plaques for my sweet babies that say their names, and then say "is a daughter of God".
I'm really excited about them because they are cute!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Baby Boy Blowout (166:365)
Scott watched my friend Heather's little baby boy today while she and I took someone out to lunch. (He volunteered to do it without my asking! - He's the best honey around!)
Our kids don't really have blowout diapers, but this little one does, so Scott had a lovely surprise after we left, yet handled it well. Poor little baby, he ended up in girl clothes for the ride home!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Cool Free Vintage Church Prints (165:365)
Our church is doing a cleaning of all old library supplies. Anything they didn't want anymore was free game, so I snagged a couple of sweet vintage prints that I'm excited to frame and hang around the house. One is of a family in the fifties, praying around a dinner table, another is from the fifties showing kids playing in a playground. They are really cute and retro and I'm really excited because they were free!
Now I need some free frames...
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Goose's First Christmas! (164:365)
The first Christmas for each kid is so sweet and special.
Goose didn't really understand it at all, but it was cute to see her react to the toys once they were opened. Santa brought a Rody, a rubber bouncy horse, for the girls.
Goose is very afraid of Rody. I taught her how to sign "dog" a couple of weeks ago. We were all in the kitchen except Goose, she was in the living room, and I heard her whining. I came to see what was going on and found her sitting, staring at Rody, afraid to crawl by him to join us in the kitchen. She was sitting, staring at him, signing "dog", making a sad scared noise.
It was so cute! And sad, but so cute. And, I was so proud of her signing "dog" for the first time, and doing it all by herself!
Our Christmas had other fun moments, but that was the cutest.
How was your Christmas?Friday, December 24, 2010
Cookies for Santa (163:365)
Dee loves to make cookies and it was fun to do as a new Christmas Eve tradition.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Decluttering (162:365)
You all know we got a garage yesterday. Well, today we started filling it up! Our house is becoming more zen-like. I can breath a little easier. We aren't done yet, but we cleared out a lot of stuff so far. I can already imagine all the space we are going to have and how we will be rearranging furniture and toys.
Scott did all of the grunt work, carrying everything out like a mad man. He was so into it though! We are both really excited about having a more comfortable and inviting home.
Hooray for calmer and cleaner spaces!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Garage, Garage, We are Getting a Garage! (161:365)
We thought this would never happen, but it has!
We need a place to store our stuff like we need more junk, but still,
it will be awesome to empty out our house a bit so we can breath (and move around)
better (and put the car in I guess...).
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Dunk, Dunk, Goose and Dee's First School Performance (160:365)
We all went swimming today and I dunked little Goose.
I want her to take the Float 4 Life classes next month, like Dee has done,
so I decided to try and see how she does with her face in the water.
We splashed around for a while, she was have lots of fun, and then
I blew in her face and dunked her quickly, and she came up surprised, but smiling!
We did this a few times and it went well. I think we have fish #2!
Dee had her first school performance today. The kids were all lined up in a row, while all the parents were sitting in tiny chairs facing the kids. They all sang silly songs like "Hannah Hiccup" and something about Santa's Hat. It was really cute. Dee had an "itchy" nose, a problem with the button on her pants, and an insatiable need to keep lifting her shirt up a little, but so did all the other kids, which just made it all so much more adorable. I can't believe how big our little girl is!

Watching the show.

Watching the show.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Giant Adult Slippers and a Christmas Card Garland (159:365)
We have lots of Christmas cards from friends this year just stacking up
around the house.
Solution: a garland! Just hung up some cute ribbon and clothes pinned all the cards to it.
Way cute, quick and festive!
Also, made some for someone as a gift today.
around the house.
Solution: a garland! Just hung up some cute ribbon and clothes pinned all the cards to it.
Way cute, quick and festive!
Also, made some for someone as a gift today.
Handmade Christmas is awesome!
What have you made for someone this year?
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Goosey Shoes (158:365)
I made Goose some ADORABLE shoes, if I do say so myself.
Since this is a later update of this day, one of the shoes has since
gone missing and I'm in mourning.
I blame other parent, since it went missing after "they" had Goose at church today,
not that it matters. I'm just saying...
So the shoe (s) is reversible. Black on one side, awesomely cute with
green and flowers on the other. And they have suede bottoms so they
don't slip, and a little rosette clip to cuten them up.
Yes, cuten is a word. At least on my blog it is.
Anyway, I hope we find that missing shoe so that I can post a picture of their adorableness for you.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Goose's First BYU Football Game (157:365)
We all went to a BYU football game party at a friends house.
Goose sat through it really well, and Dee ran in circles for a couple of hours.
No, I'm not making that up.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Sleepover and Thai Soup (156:365)
Tonight I got to party at a YW sleepover at my friend Heather's house.
Sleeping over, it was me, my friend Heather, another friend Lorena,
and 8 teenage girls. It wasn't too bad! I had fun playing games,
watching movies, and freezing bras...just kidding.
It was fun though, can't wait for girls camp!
I brought my own dinner to the slumber party and I snagged
a yummy frozen thai soup from Trader Joe's (my grocery bff).
It was sooo good! Can't wait to buy it again.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Goose's First Movie in the Theater (155:365)
Today we tried something new.
All four of us went to a movie in the theater.
I was a little bit worried about how well Goose would do, but she's a snuggler, so she did very well considering her age. Dee is the one that ran around the theater. She was on her seat edge for the first half, then slowly her patience ran out and she ran off.
Overall it was a good experience and we all enjoyed Tangled.
Even Scott.
He laughed it up!
We'll have to try it again soon!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
First Etsy Sales! (154:365)
I shipped my first tower of etsy sales today. It was very exciting!
I am so grateful to Nie Nie and her awesome blog for bringing people to my humble little etsy shop.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
I Made It onto Nie Nie Dialogues! (153:365)
I took a shot in the dark a week ago and sent some of my etsy shop stuff to Stephanie Nielson's awesome blog NieNie Dialogues when she did a call for a homemade Christmas.
She received HUNDREDS of submissions and kept posting that she'd only be able to show off SOME of the items she received...
...drum roll please....
aprikot designs,
Photographing Stuff (152:365)
My friend Jesa helped me out today and took some sweet pics
of some of my stuff for my etsy shop today.
Thanks Jesa!
Thanks Jesa!
Dead President's Club Bookmarks |
Victorian Hairpin Trio |
Raspberry Mum's The Word Earrings |
To check out some of my latest listings in etsy, click here.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Pot Roast (151:365)
This morning before church I actually had a little free time.
A first.
So, I threw a pot roast into the crockpot.
Cream of Mushroom soup
Packet of Onion Soup Mix
Cooked it up while we were gone and, voilà !, a delicious meal.
I also noticed the missionaries didn't have a meal for tonight, and, knowing I already had a delicious meal ready at home, I was able to have them come right over.
Planning ahead is awesome!
I need to do this more.
Lesson learned.
Bobbin' for Problems (150:365)
I tried to make a ruffly scarf today with a cheapy cute knit scarf from Target, similar to this one here.
Turns out I have to adjust my bobbin casing because I have a Brother sewing machine which does not like to be adjusted.
I pulled it out and followed these directions here trying to make it work properly.
My little painted green screw wouldn't budge.
Well, turns out it's a good thing, because I then googled around some more and found this little bit of information here:
- Do not adjust the bobbin case with green marking.
If a green marked bobbin case is adjusted, it may be broken and cannot be used anymore.
- Ah! Thank goodness it wouldn't budge for me! Now, I just need to get another bobbin casing that is adjustable for shirring projects.
- Lame.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Goose Meets Santa (149:365)
We had a church Christmas party tonight,
and Santa made an appearance.
Dee actually sat on his lap and hugged him tight! Last year she was terrified, so I'm excited with her progress.
Goose sat on his lap for about 10 second before she lost it.
My friend Anna was taking pictures so I let her cry for a minute because it was so cute. Is that bad? She'll thank me later for the cute pictures.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Husker Gear (148:365)
Show was a bust, but I had fun with my crafty friends.
Thanks to Julie, Ashley, Jesa, and Cheryl
for your friendship and goofiness.
Red Ranch.for your friendship and goofiness.
I made some husker lovelies today for the craft show.
Cute button rings and hair ties (pony tail holders).
(Those are not "z's", but "N's" for UNL yo! It comes out backwards in photo booth.)
Sorry about the awful pics, I just don't have it in me to be fancy today.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Goose's First Swim (147:365)
Me and the little ladies went swimming today.
Dee is a fish. She's taken a swimming survival type class
(see here) and can just kick around and jump off the edge just fine. Sometimes her lack of fear is scary, but I'm so glad she loves the water.
It was Goose's first time ever.
She clung to me like a baby monkey for the first
10 minutes (which was adorable!).
Then I started saying, "Ready, go!", and then
dunking us to our shoulders.
She started to smile a bit.
Then I crossed the pool, back and forth, laying her on her back, kind of swaying her side to side. She kept one little bug-feeler leg up in the air for a while, then eventually relaxed and just enjoyed gliding around on her back.
It was so cute!
Hopefully she'll turn out to be a little fish
just like her big sister.
Then, while we were showering off, she kept poking Dee in the belly button. She'd take her right pointer and zoom it into Dee's button with a totally straight face, like she was a serious belly button scientist, while Dee and I just laughed and laughed because
it was so strange.
I've got me a couple of goof balls.
I sure love my babies!
BTW - Don't forget about the Holiday Craft Fair tomorrow (Thursday) from 5pm - 9pm at Scott Middle School. Hope to see you there!
BTW - Don't forget about the Holiday Craft Fair tomorrow (Thursday) from 5pm - 9pm at Scott Middle School. Hope to see you there!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Etsy and aprikot designs Blog (146:365)
If anyone is interested, I do have some things in my etsy shop ready to view and purchase!
That's what I did at 1am this morning, create a cute banner for my shop and aprikot designs blog and get some more things up for viewing and purchase in etsy.
Here is the link to my shop:
And here is the link to the blog:
If you happen to want something that isn't in my etsy shop yet, just send me a message and I'll make it for you!
And don't forget that I'll be at the Scott Middle School Holiday Craft Show this Thursday from 4-9pm. Hope to see you there!
aprikot designs,
Monday, December 6, 2010
Getting the Word Out (145:365)
The Nie Nie Dialogues had a call for homemade Christmas gifts and I decided to send her some of my stuff hoping she will like it enough to share it on her blog!
Here are all of the things I sent (it is a huge opportunity!), hoping that she'll find something that she'll love enough to want to share it with all her readers.
Wish me luck!

My Latest Favorites

I've got another craft show coming up at Scott Middle School this Thursday from 4-9 pm.
Come check out my booth and see the cute stuff my friends make too! From children's super hero capes, to beautiful hair flower clips, to baby headbands and cute beanies, you are likely to find something for all the ladies on your holiday list!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Felt Flower Headband and a Photoshoot (144:365)
I got to take a nap yesterday (thanks honey!)
so I was a bit wired last night.
While wired, I made this at 1am.
I think it turned out pretty cute!
I used organza ribbon to wrap the headband, securing it with my new favorite thing, "Fabri-tac" (thanks Jesa!).
Then I cut out 3 circles for each flower and sewed them like this.
Then I attached vintage buttons I found at an estate sale and some fun orange feathers from Hobby Lobby. On the back of the flower/feather piece, I made loops so I can slide it off and on from my headband, making it interchangeable! Because the worst part of making a headband is covering it. Boo.
I also got to help out on a photoshoot for my friends the D family, with my friend Jesa the photographer. She is really great and was generous to give me many tips!
I had a lot of fun trying to help freezing kids smile ('cuz it was like 17 degrees outside!) and to reflect light back onto those smiling faces.
It was my first time and I learned a lot. Thanks for letting me tag along!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Coffee Table into Shelves and Other Things, Part 1 (143:365)
With the help of my friends Sara and Jacob, I was able to do a little wood repurposing today.
We have a coffee table that was cracked along the bottom support, and which takes up too much room for our newly arranged living room, yet it felt wasteful to just toss out. I knew it still had some life in it somewhere.
I needed shelves for my out of control fabric stash and crafting zone...
I needed to get a new piece of wood to fix our rocking ottoman that someone manly sat on and broke in two...
To the rescue come Sara and Jacob!
They have a circular saw, and they are super cool and nice, so they let me bring my table over and saw it up into tiny little usable bits!
There was a high of 32° today, but I'm sure it was more like 17° while we were outside sawing up the table. It was so cold, my face went numb, and while I was carrying wood back to my car my hands felt like they were flash frozen! I can't believe how nice my friends were to cut up my wood and do it all out in the frigid weather while their kids were jealous of me taking them away.
Thanks you guys! I owe you one!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Trader Joe's Baby! (142:365)
Our humble little town has finally been graced with the presence of a Trader Joe's!
I am in love with that store.
My friend Heather and I went the minute it opened up this morning to make sure we got all the good stuff before everyone bought it all up. Scott was kind enough to watch our girls and Heather's son so we could battle the crowd childless.
So much food, too little of a stomach.
Today I experienced the grace that is Peppermint Joe Joe's, fresh cooked wild salmon, Goddess dressing, kettle fried pineapple and much more.
For dinner we are either having giant noodles or bulgogi Korean BBQ ribs.
Trader Joe's
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Goose's First Mac & Cheese (141:365)
Today we went to a local restaurant called Fireworks to celebrate Scott being ABD.
ABD means All But Dissertation, which basically means he can officially start applying for jobs even though he still needs to write his dissertation. So, it's a really big and exciting time for us!
At the restaurant Goose ate her first Mac & Cheese and LOVED it.
She kept wanted more and getting frustrated with my slow feeding abilities.
It was super cute.
Also, Dee found a book I bought about teaching your baby to swim and she was looking at it while I was getting ready to go out. She started yelling fratically for me. I ran out and she showed me a picture of a baby swimming underwater and said, "It's adorable!". She's such a little sweetheart. She is always surprising us with how smart and grown up she seems.
ABD Baby! (140:365)
All But Dissertation.
That's what my hot man is.
He passed his comprehensive exams and defended them with flying colors!
Congratulations honey!
We love you and are so proud of your smart brains.
Thank you for working so hard to support your family.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
A Me Date (139:365)
Tonight I got to pick up some friends from the airport, which meant driving their car (which I am NOT friends with...Me + Robot Cars = Much Anger and Some'll need to ask me in person if you want the full story) and being alone.
I haven't been alone for longer than a quick car ride somewhere in, I don't know. Can't even remember.
It was nice.
I was early (really they were late, but I'm glad they were) so I went to a little coffee shop and got a yummy slice of quiche and a hot apple cider and just played on my iPod and enjoyed some me time.
This reminds me of a comedian, Adam Johnson, who did a hilarious skit about dating himself, how he learned a little bit more about himself, how he kept making himself laugh, and how he noticed the little things about himself and really had a good time.
I couldn't find a clip of that anywhere, but man, it is funny!
And that's what I did tonight.
A date with myself.
Much needed.
Maybe I'll take myself out again sometime soon.
I think we had fun.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Cheese is Life (138:365)
Went to visit some friends today and afterward we all had a mom and kid lunch at Godfather's Pizza.
I told Scott and he made me smuggle him some pizza in my purse.
I know.
Anyway, while eating we decided that "cheese is life".
Because it is the perfect snack.
Because it goes with almost anything.
Because it is salty or creamy and delicious.
Why not?
Ask Scott why not.
He's lame about cheese.
Missing out on one of the wonders of the world. That's what I say.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Meatless Monday on Sunday (137:365)
When I remember, I try to make meatless dinners on Mondays a la Paul McCartney.
I ended up doing it tonight instead and made a yummy Minestrone soup.
Minestrone Soup
Chop 1 onion, 2 celery stalks and 2 carrots into small cubes.
new recipe,
Saturday, November 27, 2010
First Drum Circle (136:365)
Dee participated in her first drum circle.
Okay, it was really some kid music man at baby gap, but he had 5 buckets with sticks for drumming and she and other kiddos banged away, so I'm counting it as her first drum circle.
It was really cute.
She outlasted all the other kids and made the guy go into overtime.
I love having little musicians around here.
Music makes me happy.
BTW, if you don't listen to you MUST!
It is the ONLY radio I listen to.
Just type in your favorite song or artist and it will customize a radio station for you.
And yes, it's free.
Wouldn't do it if it wasn't, yo.
(My 2 favorite "stations" are "Peter Bjorn and John" and "Lykke Li". "Jingle Bells" is also awesome cause it's just old school x-mas jams.)
P.S. I guess I don't really know what goes on in "real" drum circles because scott was a little embarrassed by the title of this post. I thought people just played drums in drum circles. That's what they do in kiddo ones.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Black Friday (135:365)
Black Friday has become a tradition in our family.
Before I'd met Scott, I didn't even know it existed.
This year was our 6th year or binge shopping.
It was my first year of visiting the Gap.
50% off everything!
Luckily, my honey was able to come with me and hold the spoils in line while I picked up more things. A lady in line behind him kept complaining out loud about it, but she was just jealous her husband wouldn't come shopping with her at 1am like mine did.
He's a keeper!
It sure is bizarre to bump into a friend at 1am at the Gap. It made the madness more fun!
After that, we realized we could buy most of the DVD's we wanted from Amazon for the same price as the crazy stores, and did just that.
Then, at 3:15am I braved Target alone to get a couple of things for myself and Jane.
And at 11:30am I got my sister to come to Old Navy with me to scope out those sweet deals.
We survived Black Friday 2010 injury free and now need to filter through stuff and make returns tomorrow.
There are always hasty purchases that must go back to their place of rest.
Anyone else indulge in Black Friday that has a tale to tell?
black friday,
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Turkey Day (134:365)
Today was a busy day.
First off, I ran my first race today. I was the middle leg in a 5k Turkey Trot relay. I ran with my friend Sara F. and my sister Sarah. We were team Saucy Cranberries and made hats and a sweet baton.
Not surprisingly we didn't win the race, but we had a very respectable time, which I will commend the Sara/h's on because I was SLOW. Sadly, we also did not win the costume contest or creative baton contest like I feel we should have because we (by we I mean Sara F.) were cute.
While we were running, Scott put the turkey in all by himself.
Yes, you read that right. He did it alone and it turned out great! I just may delegate that task from now on.
Then we went to a Pie Party in the morning at a friend's house because "you are too full to eat pie after dinner" so we ate it for breakfast instead. I thought it was a genius idea!
Then we had our friends Sai and Kyle over for dinner, which was really fun. We ate at noon which I plan on doing from now on because we've been noshing on leftovers all day!
What did you do, on this great day of feasting?
By the way, are any of you crazy like us and tackling the Black Friday madness?
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Great Grandma Carlsen's Raspberry Jello (133:365)
Today I finished our jaunty cranberry sauce hats.
My sister, Scott and I worked on Thanksgiving too. We made a Chocolate Pecan Pie (a family favorite taken from Emeril, which he has now added an extra 1/2 cup pecans to), Pumpkin Pie, Mashed Potatoes, and our Great Grandma Carlsen's Raspberry Jello.
With thanksgiving in my heart, I share my grandma's recipe with you all.
May you hearts and tummy's be filled with gratitude, turkey and raspberry jello.
Great Grandma Carlsen's Raspberry Jello
1 large box of raspberry Jello
2 cups boiling water
1 cup cold pineapple juice (from the can of pineapple)
One 2/3 size can (not the regular size) of pineapple chunks or tidbits, drained. --be sure to save one cup of the juice as per above.
2 cups boiling water
1 cup cold pineapple juice (from the can of pineapple)
One 2/3 size can (not the regular size) of pineapple chunks or tidbits, drained. --be sure to save one cup of the juice as per above.
(I usually just buy the large sized can because you don't get enough juice even with that. You can also buy pineapple juice to make sure you have enough.)
1 cup of frozen raspberries
1 cup of whipping cream (prior to whipping)
1 Tbs powdered sugar
1 tsp Vanilla
Add Jello to boiling water and stir until dissolved. Add pineapple juice. Stir and chill until almost set. In the meantime, whip the cream and combine with powdered sugar and vanilla. Once the Jello is close to being set, fold the whipped cream into the Jello and then fold in the drained pineapple and the frozen raspberries. Add chopped pecans to taste. Continue chilling until firm.
Serve and enjoy!
1 cup of frozen raspberries
1 cup of whipping cream (prior to whipping)
1 Tbs powdered sugar
1 tsp Vanilla
Add Jello to boiling water and stir until dissolved. Add pineapple juice. Stir and chill until almost set. In the meantime, whip the cream and combine with powdered sugar and vanilla. Once the Jello is close to being set, fold the whipped cream into the Jello and then fold in the drained pineapple and the frozen raspberries. Add chopped pecans to taste. Continue chilling until firm.
Serve and enjoy!
Missing you today grandma Carlsen.
new recipe,
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Cranberry Baton (132:365)
Today I worked on a Cranberry Baton with my friend Sara F.
We are running in a 5k relay Turkey Trot with my sister Sarah on Thanksgiving and our team is called
The Saucy Cranberries.
We are also working on some jaunty little cranberry sauce hats.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Christmas Gifts (131:365)
I'm hoping that this Christmas will be a (mostly) homemade Christmas.
I think the idea of a homemade Christmas is so appealing, I really want to continue that tradition, to help us all appreciate more what we get and put more feeling into what we give. Plus, it may save a little moolah. Who doesn't need more moolah?
Today I made gifts for my dad and brother, but, obviously won't be posting them!
Not that they read this anyway...ahem...
Are you doing a homemade Christmas this year?
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Dinner, Old Friends and Sleep (130:365)
We had my favorite dinner tonight from one of my favorite cookbooks, BGH Cookbook.
Polenta Beef Stew.
Super rich beef stew with rosemary.
Pour it on top of some warm and creamy polenta.
With a side of Rosemary dinner rolls that my sister whipped up for us.
Wish I could have dinner twice tonight.
I also went with a friend to visit a couple of old friends that I have missed.
And sleep.
One of my favorite pastimes.
I am lacking in that department.
Goose is not though.
She set a personal sleep-in record this morning.
Now, she did wake up at 4:30 am for a while, but I think she was having some #2 issues.
Then she slept soundly until 10:15!
I didn't wake her earlier because we had church at 11 am and she then doesn't get to nap until 2:30 pm.
What a sweetie.
I am a lucky mom.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
The Bazaar (129:365)
It's finally over.
All that work and now I can sort of breathe.
My next project is filling custom orders (yes, I had two!) and getting product up on my etsy shop.
I have put a couple of things up so far.
Here are a few pictures of my display at today's bazaar.
(Those cute hats are my friend Julie's.)
Earring Display
Some Cute Chrysanthemum Earrings
Darling Handmade Button Earrings
Button Rings
Lovely Little Hairpins
Giant Button Paperclip Bookmarks
And one of my favorites, the Elegant Bird Ponytail Holder
I wanted to send a shout out to my honey Scott for staying up and tying bows until 1am, my mom for writing price tags until 2am, my sister for going with me to set up and for helping me stay calm, Ashley for encouraging me to try doing a bazaar and letting me share her table, and Julie for pushing my merchandise on all her friends that dropped by our table. Ashley and Julie, it was a pleasure doing business with you both. Let's do it again soon!
You all rock!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Countdown... (128:365)
I'm doing the bazaar with my friend Ashley and we are both stressing to the max!
Tonight we are practicing our display so we don't agonize over it at the show.
I'm also trying to figure out how to display my rings.
I'm looking forward to the bazaar tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it being over with!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Losin' It At Michael's (127:365)
So, I went to Michael's today to get some stuff for the bazaar and was feeling good. We all got colds this week at our house, but nothing serious was going around.
This lady in front of me at the register was buying about 300 seed bead packages (no, I'm not exaggerating) and was taking forever. I started to feel a little weak while waiting but thought maybe I was just hungry or something.
Then we got another cashier, and I was in line right behind a little old lady that needed a price check. As this was happening I started to feel hot and shaky. Then came my turn at the register. As the lady was ringing me up, I started to think I was going to lose it right there. The second she finished my stuff, I ran outside with my cart and heaved my guts out into the trash can right in front of the store for 5 minutes while around 20 people walked by.
That is one first time experience that I could do without.
That is one thing about mom-dom that people don't tell you about - you still have to be a mom even when you are so sick you want to curl up into a ball and hug the porcelain thrown all day.
Luckily my mom is in town so she's been a huge help with the girls.
I'm feeling better tonight though, so HOPEFULLY I will be back to my old self in time for the bazaar.
I have also began packaging my products and they look so good!
I'm really excited about how it is all going.
P.S. No, I am NOT pregnant, nor are you the first to ask today.
P.S. No, I am NOT pregnant, nor are you the first to ask today.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Hairpins (126:365)
Our internet is being wacko and it's making me crazy! I don't have the patience right now to post pictures on our amazing internet, but just know that the fabric covered button hairpins I'm making for the bazaar are super cute!
The bazaar is at the Cooper YMCA from 9am - 2pm.
Be there or be square!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Earrings and More Earrings (125:365)
Well, the bazaar is Saturday, so basically all week I will be posting about my stress regarding it.
I'm cranking out earrings and such like a crazy person.
My biggest stress is how to package each thing.
I've bought some nice textured cardstock that will be home to them all.
That is a project for later this week though...
Monday, November 15, 2010
Buttons and more Buttons (124:365)
Getting ready for the upcoming bazaar again.
Today I made more bookmarks and earrings.
They are so cute! Need to post a pic soon.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Cleaning the Chaos (123:365)
My mom is visiting so, of course, we went to Target
to celebrate (yesterday).
to celebrate (yesterday).
She bought us one of these sweet little things.

Now the toys in the living room are in here
instead of under my feet.
instead of under my feet.
Much better.
Thanks grandma!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
My First Baby Booties (122:365)
I have a baby shower today and needed something quick
and easy to make.
I've never made these before, but decided to take a chance on them.
I think they turned pretty well.
So cute! And easy. Here is the free tut.
Friday, November 12, 2010
First Snow of the Winter (121:365)
Today we all traveled out to Omaha (the big city 'round these parts) and went to the grand opening of the nearest Trader Joe's! It was great. I got a bunch of my favorite stuff, like almond meal (for baking), their amazing (and cheap!) kettle corn, and their peanut butter.
It was kind of a mad house, but fun anyway (for me at least).
Then, on the way home, we braved a little blizzard, facing snowflakes the size of ritz crackers. I got too dizzy trying to dry so luckily Scott was able to take over.
Neither of us had any idea it was supposed to snow. If we had, we would not had been brave enough to face it. Not yet. Winter isn't due yet, right?
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Busy Bee (120:365)
Today I was a procrastinating little busy bee.
I got a lot of things done, yet nothing for the craft fair!
Well, since I did stuff I'll just share it with you all so you can see how productive I can be when I'm avoiding productivity.
First up, Dee and I made some gummy snowmen. We bought a kit from Target the other day and we had a lot of fun making them. Not hard at all and I'm looking forward to doing it again.

Then I finally rehung the curtains Dee accidentally ripped out of the wall like 2 months ago.

Then I hung up some shelves I bought for $1 each at a garage sale like 3 months ago up in the girls' room.
Dee wanted me to make her some clip on earrings the other day. She picked the fabric from my stash all by herself. Here she is, sporting those cute things.
Recently, at Hobby Lobby, I found a sign that explains how I feel about doing laundry and had to buy it to make me feel better in that room of dreariness.

And for dinner, I made some egg rolls, but baked them instead of frying them.
They turned out pretty good. Different, but still good. Definitely worth the less calories and fat.
So, that is what I did today instead of working on my craft fair stuff.
Yeah, I'm a good procrastinator.
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