Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"Easy" Hem for Pants (70:365)

I say "easy" because to my friends Sara and Jessicah who showed me this quick way, it probably is quicker for them than it was for me. However it is quicker than any other way I've tried and it looks better too.

Take your pants that you bought while believing that you had long legs...

Measure the length you want to hem up...(mine will look a little high because I was torn between measuring for the black shoes in the pictures and tennis shoes, which are lower.) and mark your pants.
Measure the length of the cuff, from the inside. 
Add that length to the original measurement so that you are shortening it even more (trust me...).
Take that measurement and divide it in half.
Fold your pants, from the top of the original hem, inside the pants, up the half measurement, and then iron to keep that in place.
(This is sounding so confusing. I should have taken more pictures.)
Stitch from the inside, as close to the top of the original hem, all around the cuff.
Now turn that right side out and press. 
You have hemmed pants that you didn't cut or traumatize (in case you want them longer again or you messed up the length and need to fix it like I did).

(And yes, these are the same pants as before, just couldn't get the color to look the same.)

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