Monday, September 20, 2010

Jane's first Caterpillar Sighting and my first BOB Jog (68:365)

I'm too tired to actually do anything else today, so this is going to be it.

Lucy has had a stuffy cold for a week or so now and we haven't been able to go to the YMCA daycare lately, so instead we went for a little jog this morning, both girls in my lovely BOB.
We've had the stroller for a while now, but this was the first time I'd really jogged with it (by that I mean for longer than 1 minute. More like 5 minutes, walk, then 3 more, walk.)
It was a good jog, so long as the wind was not pushing against me. When it is super windy and blowing against me, the BOB is like a beast to push. When there is no wind, it is like a dream. I can jog, holding on one-handed without any problem. So, for me, this first official jog went well and I hope to do it again soon.

After the jog, we stopped at a nearby pond where Jane saw her first caterpillar. She was very fascinated and kept crouching down and looking at it.

I also taught her how to make "butter" on a rock by smashing a dandelion, just like my sister and I used to do when we were little. It was a fun memory and it was really cool to share that with Jane and have her enjoy some make believe with me. I can't believe how big she is getting.

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